Help us
Volunteer as a Delivery Driver: We deliver food parcels every Thursday, between 10.00 and 12.00, to clients who can’t get to us. If you would like to do this vital role and have your own transport then please contact us.
Volunteer at the Storehouse: Our wonderful volunteers work on a Thursday between 9.00 and 14.00, they pick food parcels and fill the shelves with food, its physically quite demanding but enjoyable and rewarding, if you are interested please contact us.
​Donate Food: We have collection bins in Seaford at: Morrisons, Coop Town Centre and Coop Princess Drive, Scoop and Weigh or on a Thursday at the Storehouse between 9.00 and 14.00.
​Donate Money: We welcome monetary donations which can be paid to 'Seaford Community Trust' Nat West account; Sort: 60-18-37 Account No: 57915415, giving 'Storehouse' as a reference.
If you are a UK Taxpayer and would like to add Gift Aid to your donation then it will increase its value to us. You can download a form here and return it to us at KingsWell Ministry Centre, 115-117 Vale Road, Seaford BN25 3HB, marking it for Storehouse, or take a copy (scan or phone photo) and email it back to us at You only need to do that once and it will suffice for any future donations. Thank you.
Current Needs List
tinned soup | tinned meats | tinned beans | tinned vegetables | tinned fruit | sugar | cereal | pasta | rice | tea | coffee | biscuits
The Following Supermarkets Have Baskets for Seahaven Storehouse
Morrisons Seaford | Coop Seaford Town Centre | Coop Princess Drive | Scoop & Weigh Seaford